Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility and one-hit kills | whosyourdaddy |
Infinite mana | thereisnospoon |
Continue playing after losing in campaign mode | strengthandhonor |
Full map | iseedeadpeople |
Instant victory | allyourbasearebelongtous |
Instant defeat | somebodysetusupthebomb |
Your and allies heroes are level 10 | ihavethepower |
Remove spell cool down | thedudeabides |
Disable victory conditions | itvexesme |
Gold; 500 is default | keysersoze [number] |
Lumber; 500 is default | leafittome [number] |
Gold and lumber; 500 is default | greedisgood [number] |
Fast construction | warpten |
Fast death | iocainepowder |
Food | pointbreak |
Fast research | whoisjohngalt |
Upgrades | sharpandshiny |
Tech tree unlocked | synergy |
Set time to morning | riseandshine |
Set time to evening | lightsout |
Set time of day | daylightsavings [hour] |
Toggle daylight progression | daylightsavings |
Trees disappear | abrakadabra |
Level select [Note] | motherland [race] [level] |
Note: Example: "motherland human 7". Intermission sequences are counted in the level number.