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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Cheat Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne

ResultCheat Code
Invincibility and one-hit killswhosyourdaddy
Infinite manathereisnospoon
Continue playing after losing
in campaign mode
Full mapiseedeadpeople
Instant victoryallyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeatsomebodysetusupthebomb
Your and allies heroes are
level 10
Remove spell cool downthedudeabides
Disable victory conditionsitvexesme
Gold; 500 is defaultkeysersoze [number]
Lumber; 500 is defaultleafittome [number]
Gold and lumber; 500 is defaultgreedisgood [number]
Fast constructionwarpten
Fast deathiocainepowder
Fast researchwhoisjohngalt
Tech tree unlockedsynergy
Set time to morningriseandshine
Set time to eveninglightsout
Set time of daydaylightsavings [hour]
Toggle daylight progressiondaylightsavings
Trees disappearabrakadabra
Level select [Note]motherland [race] [level]

Note: Example: "motherland human 7". Intermission sequences are counted in the level number.

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